Template and Forms Management

Revolve will slash forms processing times, and reduce labour, material and storage costs.

The cost of processing and handling forms is twenty times the cost of paper and printing

The cost of managing forms increases each year, not only due to increasing staff costs, but because more information is demanded of companies, especially in terms of regulatory compliance. A large percentage of staff time is spent reading, completing, processing, transferring, referring to, and filing in forms.

Revolve will store and manage an up to date forms library for you

Forms are an important part of any operation and must be accurate, consistently used and therefore well managed. Affirm will work with you to ensure your latest forms are centrally maintained online, to ensure only the latest forms are accessible for use by staff.

Our integrated document automation and management system Revolve then integrates with your online forms library to ensure forms are able to be completed and fulfilled online.

Reduce labour, material, and storage costs through efficient forms management

Forms are usually easier to prepare than reports, letters, or almost any other format used for the transfer of information. Even though a small amount of time is required to fill out a single form, large amounts of time are wasted when many people use redundant or inappropriate forms. The uncontrolled use of forms is expensive in terms of inefficiency as well as actual cost.

The cost of producing forms includes not only printing, which is in fact only a small percentage of the total cost, but the expense of creating and processing as well. It is essential that forms are well managed so that they are easy to use.

Use templated forms and contracts to dramatically improve productivity

  • Improve staff productivity by centralising and reusing set contracts and templates
  • Reduce error rates within forms and contracts by automating the production of forms
  • An up to date online library of templates and forms becomes a searchable knowledge-base with up to date, reusable consistent forms and templates